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Vincent O.
Grade 11
With the pandemic happening, people are becoming more awa...
Darren A., Dylan L.,
Rayandra H., Brandon W.
Grade 10-12
Despite Indonesia’s abundance of sunlight, solar energy h...
Abian S.
Grade 11
Most stray animals depend on humans for their life, inclu...
Mellvin C.
Grade 12
There are two things that are going on in our lives: glob...
With the pandemic happening, people are becoming more aware of the transmission of the viruses, including Vincent. He notes that one of the surfaces that have a high probability of spreading the virus that we touch most often is door handles. While it is common to just clean the door handles with disinfectant, it is very time consuming and can damage the door handles if exposed to harsh chemicals too often.
This inspires him with the idea to start creating UVinci, an automatic UV Door Handle Sanitizer to avoid bacteria and virus transmission that will be useful for everybody. When the device’s motion sensor detects movement, UV light is automatically shone towards the door handle to keep it germ-free. Want to help Vincent in this mission?
Despite Indonesia’s abundance of sunlight, solar energy hasn’t fully shone in this developing nation. Brandon, Darren, Dylan, and Rayandra saw this problem, and transformed it into a project of turning solar energy into a good help in our daily lives.
This led to the creation of PS2, with one promising solution in mind: a portable solar charger for smartphones and lamps. PS2 has conducted research on photovoltaic cells, potential model designs, and voltage regulation to generate the best overall cell brand. PS2’s optimism of making a change is unshakeable, given the fact that solar energy’s ultimate potential hasn’t gotten full attention here in Indonesia.
Most stray animals depend on humans for their life, including dogs. Abian, who currently lives in Oman, has seen many people that volunteer to feed stray dogs in the street there. That’s when he came up with an idea to make it more convenient for these people who have already done amazing initiatives. He’s currently working on a project to create an automatic dog feeder that dispenses food every couple of hours. This project has been going for less than three months, and the prototype for this device is currently in the making. He has already finished making the build and progressing on researching the circuit aspect now.
There are two things that are going on in our lives: global warming and pandemic. People’s activities are restricted because of the on-going pandemic while global warming keeps on being something that people should also pay attention to. Mellvin realized this and started to make this bicycle project. This bicycle will not only help him stay fit during the pandemic, but the energy from pedaling the bike could also be converted to electrical energy. This project already solved 3 problems at once; keep people fit, produce clean energy, and power the gadgets in case a blackout occurs.
Currently, Mellvin has created an electricity-generating bicycle using a 12V alternator, 500W pure sine wave inverter, and a 12V battery. He planned to redesign the bicycle and do further research on how to see how many calories are burnt on the monitor on the bicycle.