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Know your own learning style!

3 Min Read
November 07, 2022



Which one works for you?

Nobody is created equal. Every single person is unique and posses their own strength and weakness. This is an essential notion in study. Because each and every one of us is different, that means no one else study in the exact same ways as you do. Acknowledging the best method of study which suits you perfectly will help you study better, more efficient and help you to succeed in your studies at university.

Identify your style 

Recognition of your own learning style is the first step. Our brain process information through three main inputs: sight, hearing and touch, meaning generally there are 3 types of learners; visual, auditory and kinetic. Visual learners favor visual cues the most, which is why they prefer to read and write rather than listen. They can easily understand written directions but face issues with verbal instructions. They love books and newspapers. They write notes upon important information. The best trait of a visual learner is that he / she could read a map very easily. Auditory learners are quite the opposite of the first category. They go for seminars and talks instead of visiting the library for books. They also have huge admiration for music. They could be easily spotted from the noises which surround them all the time, whether it is their own voices, or the discussion they tend to bring out with their group of friends. The third type of learner is kinetic. A kinetic learner processes information by performing actions. They need to move, tap, swing or even jump to stay focus. They use a lot of hand gestures. These are the type of practical learners as their brain works based on hands-on experience, such as lab work.


Adjust your learning style

After you identified what type of learner you are, you can adjust the way you study. If you are a visual learner, you will learn better using visualizations such as pictures, diagrams and infographics. Instead of memorizing the questions you are working on, jot them down on a list. Use color markers to mark, highlight or underline text as you reads and determine a color codes for example red for the critical information and blue for the interesting ones. For auditory learner, equip yourself with a sound recorder, so you can quickly turn it on in a class and listen to it again thereafter. Have a partner to quiz you the lessons or set up a discussion group with your classmates. Make rhymes or abbreviation of lengthy and complex information. Summarize everything by saying them out loud. A kinetic learner may needs a space to walk around while memorizing. Use your fingers while pointing down key information. You could also jump on your mattress while listening to seminars, squeeze a ball or even reading while riding on a stationary bicycle. Eventually, you will understand that learning style is a personal preference. You could combine these styles to extend your own capabilities as long as you still feel comfortable with it. Knowing what is best for you will make a significant improvement in your study at university.

