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Founded in 1636, Harvard is the oldest university in the United States. As a member of the prestigious Ivy League universities, this private liberal arts university distinguishes itself as being one of the hardest schools to get into. The acceptance rate is only 5%. Dreaming of studying at Harvard? Here are some popular Harvard University majors you need to check out!
Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard consist of the undergraduate college and 11 other postgraduate institutions. Furthermore, this includes the highly regarded Business School, Law School, Medical School and John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Currently, there are about 6,755 undergraduate students, 22% of which are international students. Furthermore, Harvard guarantees housing for all four years of undergraduate study, with first-year students living in one of the 17 dormitories in or adjacent to the historic Harvard Yard. Also, for the final three years, students are assigned to one of the 12 residential houses, each of which features its dining hall, common spaces, and library.
Under the General Education requirements, Harvard College's system requires undergraduate students to take one class in each of four categories:
With 50 different concentrations (or majors) offered at Harvard, students must pursue in-depth study of one specific area of their interest by taking about 10-14 courses.
Students concentrating in MCB at Harvard learn biological processes based on the study of molecules and their interactions. This is in the context of cells and tissues through investigations. Furthermore, to concentrate on this major, you'll need to take about 12 courses, most of which are in the life-sciences field. Moreover, many of the MCB requirements overlap with pre-med requirements. Also, It makes a good choice if you're interested in applying to medical school in the future.
To accommodate the MCB learning, there are many places on campus where you can find MCB research going on, from the Northwest Building to the Conte Center.
If you have a knack for mathematics, Harvard's Mathematics concentration allows you to gain a deeper understanding of pure or applied mathematics. Moreover, Pure Mathematics connects with mathematical concepts and their interrelationships. On the other hand, applied Mathematics looks at how mathematical concepts relate to issues that arise in other fields of study.
If you're majoring in this concentration, you may also wish to consider Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or Statistics.
Psychology at Harvard aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the human mind before entering more advanced coursework. Sometimes, they need incorporating lab work in a wide array of areas.
The coursework has been designed so that students begin with an introductory course. It will gives them a general overview of the subject. Students will then progress to foundational courses that each give them a more in-depth look at a particular subfield of psychology. They will then enroll in advanced courses in their chosen, more specialized areas of interest.
Students who take these classes will be well-prepared to work in the fields of law, education, medicine, business, and daily living.
Harvard University is famous for its super-selective admissions, but also its exceptional academics and renowned professors. If you dream of attending Harvard, let's start your journey by choosing a Harvard University major!
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