Prepare, Achieve, Flourish Together with EduALL! Let’s find out how to maximize your academic performance with our Academic Preparation programs FREE trial. Our expert and professional tutors will help you through them all!
Our expert is just a message away.
The free trial happens when your availability matches the tutor's availability. Our Education Coordinator will help you to set the schedule and the session will take 1 hour 30 minutes via online meeting.
As this is our first meeting, we will ensure you get an idea of how your academic performance could affect you in the university application process and align it with your current academic state.
Then you will be introduced to our academic prep programs and you will experience our tutors’ way of teaching through a weakness-targeting strategy, tailored, and hands-on learning style.
You can share your concerns or questions related to the topic or subject that you are struggling with. Our top-notch mentors will be there to show you how you can get into your dream universities and the ways that EduALL could help you through the academic aspects of your application.
After the first trial, our Education Coordinator or Client Management team will get back to you and discuss your experience with the program and the tutor you are assigned to. If you want to join one of our Academic Preparation programs, you may choose your class type and continue your sessions based on your needs.