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Common Application Mistakes to Avoid When Applying to Universities

3 Min Read
January 21, 2024

Applying to universities can be time-consuming and make you lose focus. Around this time you might skip a few steps or make a few mistakes regarding the application. That’s why this article is going to inform you about the common application mistakes to avoid when applying to universities. Why? By understanding and avoiding these mistakes, you can significantly increase your chances of admission. So, round up!

Mistakes Related to Application Materials

Submitting Incomplete or Inaccurate Documents

Believe it or not, it is a very common mistake! Applicants oftentimes did not double-check the information or documents they submitted. These mistakes can be the format, outdated documents, or even plagiarism!

Failing to Meet Deadlines

Submitting application materials after the stated deadline can lead to losing the opportunity. That’s why you should prepare ahead to avoid this mistake. Furthermore, preparation can help you avoid technical difficulties such as internet connection issues or software glitches.

Ignoring Specific Requirements for Each University

Submitting the same application to multiple universities without tailoring it to the specific requirements of each institution is also a common mistake. You must pay attention to every requirement in each university so you can avoid mistakes such as forgetting to attach portfolios or applying to universities with higher academic standards than your qualifications.

Mistakes Related to Essays and Personal Statements

Writing a Generic or Cliché Essay 

An essay is a medium for you to show your interests, achievements, and your contribution plan for the future. That’s why it’s very important to write an outstanding essay that sells your unique selling points instead of just a generic essay everybody can write. Remember to pay attention to the specific question or topic of the essay.

Focusing Too Much on Achievements Rather on Personal Growth

Describing your achievements is important but don’t forget to connect your achievements with your personal growth or plan. Rather than just focus on your achievements, focus on how your achievements align with your career goals and personal aspirations.

Making Grammatical or Spelling Errors

Simple errors can detract the admission officers from the overall quality of your essay. To avoid this mistake, you can ask your mentor or teacher to proofread your essay before submitting it. Other than that, they can also give their suggestion and thoughts regarding your essay.

Mistakes Related to Interviews

Not Researching The University or The Interviewer

It’s important to have basic knowledge about the university you’re applying to, such as their missions, values, and recent achievements. It’s even better to do research about the interviewer’s background or area of expertise to connect with them during the interview. Connecting with the interviewer during the interview can make them engage into the discussion with you!

Failing to Ask Thoughtful Questions

Asking generic questions is one of the things you should avoid during an interview for university application. Instead, you can ask questions that are relevant to your academic and career goals. This can help you to avoid appearing uninterested or uninformed which can lead to a negative impression from the interviewer. 

That is the most common application mistake applicants make when applying to universities. By understanding these mistakes you can try to avoid and overcome it when applying to your dream university!

Need to find more information about applying to universities? We can help you with that through our programs:

  1. Maximize your university entrance prep with Admission Mentoring.
  2. Explore your interests and dive into different industries through Exploration Programs. 
  3. Improve your grades and knowledge through Academic Tutoring.

Let’s prepare, achieve and flourish together!

