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Volunteering Experience: Why It Brings Many Benefits

3 Min Read
December 08, 2022

You've probably heard it from your parents, teachers, or even friends: volunteering is actually worth the time. Aside from giving you something to put on your CV, there are a lot of benefits of having volunteering experience. Without much ado, let's find out!

Develop your communication skills and confidence 

Some people are natural extroverts, while others can have a hard time meeting new people. If you fall into the latter category, volunteering can be a great, fulfilling way to develop and practice your social skills. It not only exposes you to people who share your interests, but it also boosts your confidence by giving you a sense of accomplishment after helping those in need. 

Learn new skills

Even if you're still a high school student, volunteering experience can help you develop an array of soft skills you wouldn't get in the classroom. Here are a few examples:

  • Problem-solving - Volunteering projects can be challenging, especially when they must be completed in a short amount of time. Your problem-solving skills will be put to the test as a volunteer since you will need to make decisions in order for the project to be completed successfully.
  • Time-management - When working on time-bound projects as a volunteer, not only will you develop the ability to manage your time effectively, you'll also learn to prioritize and find out the best approach to fulfil all tasks.

Gain a mentor (and letter of recommendations) 

By volunteering, you get to work with individuals who can guide and encourage you in life. Keep a list of the contacts you made while volunteering. These people might help you later in life, perhaps when you need letters of recommendation, references, and job opportunities.

Making a difference

Even contributing to the simplest tasks like helping out at a local library, dog shelter or orphanages, you are making your community a better place. After all, every little step that you take towards helping others fulfils a need, and the more steps you take, the more needs are fulfilled!

The importance of volunteering experience in university admissions

Have you ever wondered why colleges and universities ask about your extra-curricular activities? Well, they do so for a reason. 

Volunteering experience demonstrates your initiative and commitment to help others in your community – be it your neighbourhood, city, or country. Furthermore, that's what colleges are looking for in a student – someone who will go above and beyond what is required of themselves, and who makes a difference in their community.

It doesn't matter whether you volunteer at a homeless shelter, host a charity event or tutor primary students; what matters is that you display your commitment to a cause or organization that you believe in. Admission officers want to see more about you than just your SAT scores, essays, and letters of recommendation. 

Finding the right volunteer experience

With so many volunteer opportunities to choose from, the key is to select one that you're capable of doing and that matches your commitment. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself: 

  • What impact do I want to make?
  • What are my goals for volunteering?
  • How much time am I willing to commit?
  • What skills can I offer?

If you are looking for a way to start volunteering, you can do it by joining our Medical & Research Community Service Program! During this 14-day program, you will have the opportunity and guidance to help the community at Kei Island, Maluku. Interested? Contact us now!

Searching for volunteering experience? Find it all here in ALL-in!

What we can do for you:

  1. Maximize your university entrance prep with Admission Mentoring.
  2. Explore your interests and dive into different industries through Career Exploration.
  3. Improve your grades and knowledge through Academic Tutoring.
  4. Highlight your personal brand through the Writing Skills improvement program.

Let's #TakeOnYourFuture with ALL-in Eduspace! Remember, #itsALLintheprep!

