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University Preparation Since Junior High School? Why?

2 Min Read
November 03, 2022

Students, are you embarking on the right path to your future?

Right now we are calling out all junior high school students in particular! What kind of path do you want to take after you finish junior high school?

Are you very clear about your plan or are you going with the flow? Will you go to high school knowing what sort of passion and interest you will pursue?

Or do you have no idea at all?

Finding your passion and interest

The journey of discovering and affirming your interest takes significantly more time than most people thought, and note that every student may have a different pace in learning.

Starting early in junior high school gives you time to dive into various fields and learn about each focus in the industry. Ideally, it will also contribute to the endeavors for your future career. 

We encourage you, students, to explore as many knowledge and fields as you can while you still have more time in junior high. 

Unsure where to start?

Sign up for ALL-in Online JuniorXplorer and participate in different hands-on learning activities and projects to get down with the various industries! 

ALL-in Online JuniorXplorer is a 3-stage program that focuses on developing your academic and personal interests, while also training your mental resilience. 

Work together with professional mentors in up-to-date workshops & projects and explore the fields of finance, computer science, visual design, biochem, and many more! 

Click here for ALL-in Online JuniorXplorer Booklet.

Each stage of JuniorXplorer consists of selected experiential activities arranged in an orderly matter, from getting to know a specific area of interest, exploring different fields, to creating a project mentored by the pros in the industry. 

These layers of stage help you reflect and confirm your interest in a specific industry, as well as contribute to your understanding of the major studies you must choose in order to pursue certain careers.

Early exploration is definitely a necessary long-term investment in your journey to the future!

Contact us for more information and registration through:

Phone: 0818 0808 1363 / 0878 6081 1413 

Start your journey with us and explore your future! #TakeOnYourFuture #itsALLintheprep

