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Three of our mentees, Ariel, Amos, and Qimiwa have a common interest in mind: life sciences. Back in November 2021, the trio decided to enter the Global Competition for Life Sciences (GloCoLiS) to fulfill their curiosity as well as their passion in the Life Sciences field.
GloCoLis is an international-level Invention competition in the field of Life Sciences, which was the product of collaboration between Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA), Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (I3L), Institut Pertanian Bogor, and the Faculty of Dentistry at Brawijaya University. With more than 100 participants, the competition covers six categories in the Life Sciences field: Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Pharmacy, and Food Science and Nutrition.
In short, GloCoLis is a research paper competition which focuses on the topic of Life Sciences. In this competition, participants will team up into a group of five or less.
At first, Ariel, Qimiwa, and Amos didn't know each other. All of them have different interests revolving around the field of Life Sciences. Nevertheless, they tried to work things out, and ended up on joining the Food Science division. Upon finding the specific topic to work on, the trio share out and brainstorm several ideas with their ALL-in mentor and supervisor, Sharon.
In the end, they settled on a topic: Association of Covid-19-induced Stress to Snacking Behavior in High School Students. According to Qimiwa, the topic they landed on appears to be a feasible one. This is because further research could possibly be done, especially during this time period.
With a little over a week to work on their research paper, the trio's time management was put to test, especially with a lot of different activities they never did before. This includes learning to search and curate research papers, extracting information from past studies, constructing a survey, and processing the collected data. In addition to this, they still had to keep up with schoolwork, with school assessments coming up, as well as dealing with burnouts.
Although they were working in a limited amount of time, Ariel, Qimiwa, and Amos tried to encourage and rely on each other by splitting all the different works in the competition. Eventually, they all managed to finish the research paper by the due date.
November 8, 2021 | Submission of Report and Poster |
November 24, 2021 | Opening Ceremony |
November 25-26, 2021 | Online Judging Session through Zoom Meeting |
November 28, 2021 | Awarding Ceremony |
Let's give a round of applause to our mentees as they managed to win the Silver Medal and I3L Special Award! Congratulations Ariel, Qimiwa, and Amos!
'Personally, I joined this competition because I was passionate about research and wanted to expand my skill set in this area.'
- Qimiwa, Sekolah Ciputra
'I think overall it taught me that I should manage my time better, think ahead of things, and communicate well with my team members. After all, we're all relying on each other to complete the work.'
- Ariel, Ipeka Integrated Christian School
Inspired by our mentees' stellar achievement? Let ALL-in hear your passion and ideas!
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