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How to Build Personal Branding for University Admission

3 Min Read
November 03, 2022

Most college students in the USA are deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. That means you need to step up your game and have strong personal branding. But how to build personal branding that can capture yourself well? Here are the steps you can use to help you.

A personal brand is a must for university candidates. Without any personal branding, impressing university admissions officers will be very hard. Think about it! A personal brand is what makes you unique and different from other candidates. If you do not have any, nothing is interesting about you.

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding refers to how you display yourself in the eyes of the public. In the case of a university application, admission officers are your 'audience'. So building a personal brand to make yourself stand out is very important.

You can think about building your personal brand as early as possible. Even in Grade 9, you can already start preparing for it. You have a year to explore your likes and dislikes, and figure out what makes you stand out. By doing so, you'll be ahead of the race.

Let's go through the steps one by one on how to build personal branding for university admission.

Discover Yourself

You can start to explore your interests as early as Grade 9. When we say you need to start early, we mean it! It is the best time to find out your passion and interests.

Research and find out more about yourself. Who are you? What makes you different from others? Make a list of your skills, talents, interests, and interests. 

If you are still confused, take a quick look at the past. See what activities you like. Perhaps volunteering plays a big role in your life, or maybe you are a member of the neighborhood beautification committee. All of it matters.

The secret recipe on how to build a personal brand according to ALL-in Mentors is:

Academic Interest + Personal Interest + Strength, Personality, and Core Value

The combination of these three will demonstrate to the admissions officers your personal qualities.

Research Potential Activities

Don't just tell the admissions committee what you like, show them! Once you have already discovered who you are and your interests, you can start searching for potential activities you can do. The activity can be anything that supports your personal brand. It can be volunteering at your local communities, an internship at a company, or a crash course on some field that interests you.

On the other hand, the ultimate way how to build personal branding is with a personal project. The personal project helps you showcase your unique skills, interests, and character. Moreover, you can work on a project that suits your interest and help make the world a better place.

One of our mentees, Vincent Onggo, has developed a new way to stay germ-free during the pandemic. He notes that one of the surfaces with a high probability of spreading the virus that we often touch is door handles. While cleaning the door handles with disinfectant is common, it is very time-consuming and can damage the door handles if exposed to harsh chemicals too often. 

This inspired him to create UVinci; an automatic UV door handles sanitizer to prevent bacteria and virus transmission. When the device's motion sensor detects movement, UV light is automatically shone towards the door handle to keep it germ-free.

It's clear that his project strongly supports his personal brand as an engineer. You can see how creating your own project might strengthen your application!

What do you think? The personal brand makes you stand out more than other candidates, right? As we said before, make sure you kickstart your personal brand development as early as possible.

Do you need help developing your personal brand? Let ALL-in help you!

What we can do for you:

  1. Maximize your university entrance prep with Admission Mentoring.
  2. Explore your interests and dive into different industries through Career Exploration.
  3. Improve your grades and knowledge through Academic Tutoring.
  4. Highlight your personal brand through the Writing Skills improvement program.

Let's #TakeOnYourFuture with ALL-in Eduspace! Remember, #itsALLintheprep!

