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How exploration ensures your path to your dream university and career?

1 Min Read
November 03, 2022

Having an idea about career choices and industries you find interesting will help determine what kind of job you want in the future. But why must you start exploring when you're still in junior high or high school?

Exploring various career choices exposes you to the real-life tasks and flow of the industries you want to delve into. Consequently, the interactive experience directs your focus to the knowledge and skills that need a further upgrade. 

As you explore more and expand your network, you get to see how you fit with the career and field you currently learn about. And it will be easier for you to navigate your way to the best-suited university major that leads you to your dream career.

Essentially, exploration needs consistency in evaluation, research, and tests that often takes more time than you thought. Thus, it is ideal to start early on exploring the career choices and industries you like.

But, what if you don't have enough time to spare for an exploration amidst the busy schedule of school? Can you still do a quality exploration? 

The answer is: yes, you can. Small steps matter. Any time you spare for an exploration counts. 

If you look for a way to explore your interests with the limited time you have, we have upcoming programs that you might find fitting!

Register to JuniorXplorer and PassionXplorer LITE for intensive and career-specific workshop series starting in March! The programs consist of hands-on activities from relevant fields and career-coaching sessions with professionals, all wrapped in a bite-sized schedule. 

See the details on our upcoming event!

In summary, exploration is a vital part that sets the direction of your university and career preparation. Spare your time and explore your future with us! 

#TakeOnYourFuture #itsALLintheprep


