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How COVID-19 Has Impacted Your Life?

2 Min Read
November 03, 2022

Hello, everyone. We wish you are all well during this time and staying safe.

We have now reached the end of 2020's first half, and so far so many important events have happened, as well as challenges that occurred to students who are applying to universities this year. 

During Covid-19 readjustments, school agenda and university preparation have been affected drastically and it led to the cancellation of classes, summer programs and other awaited plans. Even though it may come across as a blockage to this year's potential, this situation actually offers more opportunities for you, students.

Common App Prompt: How Have the Covid-19 Impacted You?

For the 2020-21 version of the Common App, there will be a new additional information question that allows students to specify their unique experience and academic struggles related to Covid-19. 

Here's a chance to show the admission officers your ability in overcoming boundaries and still be a unique candidate despite the situation:

  • Always keep in mind that the pandemic is a global crisis. This means the cancellations also happen to everyone else. Specify your obstacles and inform the admission officers of your circumstance. 
  • The prompt is a way for the university to understand how your life is impacted by the crisis. So, if you undergo a big change that affected your grades, your accessibility to learning resources, and even your health, don't hesitate to include them in your essay. But make sure you also include your resolution on how you move forward.
  • Make the admission officers see that you have made the most out of the situation and that you were able to maintain your grip on your passion as well as the uni prep. 

The Common App Covid-19 prompt was made to help colleges have a better view of how their applicants' lives are impacted and the unique ways they put up to handle the situation. 

It's always better to start early when it comes to university prep, so start brainstorming, and good luck!

Ready to #TakeOnYourFuture? Remember, #itsALLINtheprep!


