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You might be wondering, “how come you get an overloaded amount of essay writing homework?”. Essay writing is an essential part of your learning. By doing an essay, you challenge your understanding of a particular subject and your ability to explain it.
To master an essay, you need to see the essay holistically. This essay writing article will guide you through and make sure that you will be able to make a better essay with ease by the end of reading it.
To understand the essay a little bit better, we need to start from the beginning. Let's start with the way to do it.
To know the steps is to be able to outline your essay. Outlining your essay will prove helpful because it trains your mind-mapping ability. To put it simply, there are five steps to creating a beautiful essay.
After understanding your task, choose the type of essay which suits your need. There are four main types of essays that you can use. Those types are narrative essays, descriptive essays, expository essays, and persuasive essays.
Your topic will be the center of your essay. Researching the topic is the most integral part of your essay. It might take some time to find the right topic, but it is worth doing.
Developing your main point or argument is like the first throw on the basketball. It means the game starts to heat up. The more specific your idea, the less you can write. So, if you plan to write an extended essay, make sure to choose a broader argument.
If you want to know more about these essay writing steps, you can read more [here].
After learning the steps, the next thing that you have to understand is the structure. By knowing the structure, it helps you outline your essay. It makes things easier as you go.
There is three main essay writing structure. It is pretty simple, and it helps you a lot when you want to start writing. The outline of an essay is the introduction, body, and conclusion. Let's get to know them more!
The introduction consists of three sections. Those sections are packed in the very first paragraph of your essay. The first section is a hook that lures the reader to read more about your essay. The second one is the background for your topic. Finally, the last section is your thesis statement.
The body is the soul of the essay. It usually consists of four to five paragraphs, and each paragraph has its topic sentence. You should give a topic sentence in each paragraph that supports your main argument and thesis statement in each paragraph.
The conclusion is the last part of your essay. It wraps up your essay and presents the reader with the answer to the case. In the first section, you should remind the reader about your thesis statement. Do not add any new information in the conclusion! If you need to add a new point, just create a new paragraph in the body.
Deep dive about essay writing structure [here].
So you know the steps and structure, but you still do not know what to write and what topic is suited to which type of essay. Here is a few essay writing example that you can use as references for your writing.
Previously, you have learned that there are four types of essays. Here are topic examples that you can choose to start your writing.
A descriptive essay is all about description. This type of essay is meant to give the reader information using their senses. You use this type of essay to describe something in particular. A topic example for this type is a descriptive essay about US President. In the essay, you can describe his physics, hair color, and eye color.
This type of essay will tell the reader about a story. You will use this type of essay to retell a particular experience or situation. The topic example suitable for this type of essay is “My vacation in Europe”. With this topic, you will tell a story about your personal experience.
This type of essay challenges you to take a stance on some issues. Imagine a debate. There are two sides, and one is pro and the other contra. You need to choose which side you are on. The example for this topic is “Should baby drink formula?” You just need to choose which side you are on and expand the idea.
When you use this type of essay, you are expected to explain some issues to the reader. The reader will expect complex data in the essay. The topic example for this is “Muslim Struggle in India”. If you use this topic, you can provide the data on what kind of struggle they are having.
You can get more essay writing examples [here].
Now you are pretty much can create your essay with ease. Check out three essay writing tips that you can try to optimize your essay.
A few things that you can do to optimize your writing is to proofread thoroughly. Some people think that the job is done when the essay concludes. It is not! You have to proofread your essay and purge any grammatical errors in the essay.
To take your essay to another level, check out essay writing tips [here].
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