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Applying to universities require extra dedication and time. If you are not properly prepared, you may feel lost in the process. You will encounter not only a dozen of requirements, but also plenty of new terms you might have not heard before. Do not panic. In this article, we have listed some of the most common admission terms and what they mean to help you.
You will receive your LOA as a sign that you are admitted to the university. Generally, there are two types of LOA: conditional and unconditional. Receiving a conditional LOA means that you still need to meet some requirements, for example the required TOEFL score. If you receive unconditional LOA, congratulations, you have completed all the requirements! However, receiving an unconditional LOA does not necessarily mean you have secured your seat – you need to respond to it by accepting or declining the offer.
CRDA is a deadline within which you should respond to the offer. Universities will give you enough time to consider and receive responses from other universities that you applied to. Be careful though, the offer will expire after the given date, so consider your choice wisely.
After receiving unconditional LOA, the next thing you need is a LOG. In most cases, you are only eligible to apply for student visa when the university releases your LOG. To receive a LOG, you need to meet further requirements, such as paying the tuition fee.
You could request a postponement of your study at the university. You will need to provide a valid reason of your deferral. Universities have different rules for deferral, but the postponement is usually applicable for up to one year.
Common Application is a universal application form for extensive number of universities in the US. Through the Common App, you can apply to various universities in one go. UCAS, similarly, is the UK equivalent of the Common App.
Open admission means that they accept all high school graduates regardless of their backgrounds and grades until the class quotas are filled. This policy is usually adopted by two-year community colleges.
As the name implies, this program allows you to finish your study a year earlier than the general undergraduate study period. You may be required to take extra courses during holidays to accelerate your study period.
This program gives you a richer study experience than the regular program through small class size, mentoring, hands-on research or custom-designed courses. In some cases the university will encourage you to take this program depending on your grades.
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